One day
It decides to snow only one day White everywhere Now melted Now mud Now ugly winter with not so cold temperatures Only one day But they say global warming isn't real One day they'll see Recently I've added a section on my website where my upcoming performance dates will be listed. It will be updated regularly as more performances come. For now it is slowly filling for the next few months. It is under my About page so check it out if you want to know where I'll be next.
Being organized as a indie artist is challenging, but definitely worth it. Everything about artist being filled with chaos is true, but when it comes to being a entrepreneur or professional artist (those are not quite the same) it is a lot more organization to everything you do. I love it. It is making me a better artist for sure. Making deadlines and rehearsing appropriately is extremely important. It gives you credibility. I'm am learning as I go. I want to expand myself as a brand and really give my art a chance to thrive. It is being made possible with organizations like UrbArts ( My strides as a artist is definitely because of Urb. I am also apart of the their slam team urbILLdialects so you'll see that as well on my dates. Join me on this journey. Every Saturday morning I'll update you on different aspects of my artistic life. If there is anything you want to see then leave it in the comments. Laters! I'm extremely excited to share with you my website. It has been a long time coming and I feel it's about time. That's it. Nothing drawn out. Look around. My short stories, poetry, and thoughts will be here for you to gander at when you want. Thanks for visiting! I have added my old Tumblr post just to show you more about me. Enjoy.
Sista SOLSFitness. Life. Art. Travel. Categories
December 2024