![]() New year, who dis? It's the purge of all those toxic people, places, and things that have been unwittingly plaguing your life. Now the new year for me officially starts on my birthday which was a couple of weeks ago, but it's always healthy to do a purge. What I do when facing this daunting plague is picture the life I want a week, a month, and a year from this moment. Do the top 5 people I associate with it make it to this next phase? What about my top 10? Do my associates even deserve my time and energy? Life is a constant evaluation of what is necessary. Cause the truth is we all know there are people that are vampires for your time even if it is unknowingly on their part. You may need to purge from your job (one of them) or from a place you spend a lot of your time. My last purge was in November I decided that it was time to cut ties with some distractions that were holding me back. It was in three different areas. I let go of a few relationships, a job, and a group that were all going in the opposite direction of where I wanted to be. I was tired of being in the same place all the time there was nothing and really no one I associated with that was pushing me to do better in my life. I got comfortable with a stable life that was just bobbing above surviving and called it living, but I wasn't. I was still drowning. I was still in the same place while walking forward. How to Recognize It's NOT for you
Ain't nothing to cut that *hums* off. Isn't true. It's hard to let go of what's familiar and try something new. But it is necessary, It's not my goal in this blog to tell ya'll what to do. I just want to share my experiences so that maybe you won't feel so alone in this crazy world. And you know what? Once I let go of those things that fit all of those bullet points. I found things that did help me to grow. That without I'd be off track. That my future most certainly includes. The new job, being single, and not going to my old favorite stomping ground are definitely teaching me as much as I'm impacting them. Purge away and may a healthier lifestyle ever be in your favor. Everybody's doing it. My mom and probably all mom's since the invention of the bridge: "If they jumped off a bridge would you?" Me: "Maybe. Did they die? Did they use a bungee rope? Because I might do it if it's bungee jumping" My mom: "You're too smart for your own good. Who made you so smart?" Me: "You made me so..." All jokes aside I sat down to cut up the pins for my vision board. Yes, I'm pinning them to a bulletin board because not every vision stays the same for the WHOLE year. That's a long time to be working towards all the same goals. Mostly it's so if I want to add something I can. The beginning of the year is a great time to prepare for what you want to focus on. What to Include
Who do YOU want to be this year? What do YOU hope to achieve? When do YOU want it done by? Why do YOU want it? How do YOU plan to do it? This is YOUR vision, you can do whatever. The world is your yummy shrimp platter or veggie platter if you're vegan (You know what I mean). This doesn't have to be on some poster board. You can make a collage and frame it. Take single pictures and frame them. It can be simple or it can be crazy. Whatever YOU want. For me mine will be a bulletin board that has quotes and pictures on it. So... Happy visioning! I'll support you just as you support me. Cheers! |
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December 2024