Run Treadmill
Ellipticals are better Bikes are better Even the stair beast is better Better than jogging on you Make you cry? Treadmill Make you sigh? Treadmill Make you run in place in fear? Treadmill Cause you ain't going nowhere Just bit of rubber on machine Even this mat hell this bell gets my sweat They earn my respect Make you weep? Treadmill Make you sleep? Treadmill Make you retire from the gym Go ahead and quit Treadmill While you ahead To You (An original poem)
Your giggle is like a bubble of waves on a warm summer day You're refreshing Your smile is like a rope ladder lifting souls from the valley You're hope Your optimism is like a prayer answered without mumbling a word You're faith Your beauty is a treasure hunt that never is disappointing You're surprising And I've completely fallen for you Have never written any words of appreciation for you Not once You were hidden to me Never believed what others said Sought them out to say it cause I didn't see the power of you The grace of you The peace of knowing you You are the puzzle piece I've always been missing Didn't know I could fill that void All I was missing was YOU I grew up hating YOU Wanting to be with anyone, BUT YOU Now I couldn't imagine life without you Who would I be if I didn't exist If God hadn't made me You What's Up?I have been MIA. Getting life in order, you know the struggle? Yes it is still in fact real.
But on the upside my vision is ever clear on what I'm going for next. It's not crystal clear, but I'm making moves towards a better me in all arenas. Lately I've been on this healthier me journey. In case ya'll didn't know I'm a plus size woman and have been that pretty much my whole life. I'm tall though, so it's not obvious. My bones notice, my health notices, I notice. With that said ya girl has been working on changing some unhealthy habits to healthy ones. It takes two weeks for a habit to change. My first challenge, no soda and conscious eating. Soda might not be the most of my worries. Consistent exercise is key too. It is helping me career wise as well. A healthy body is a healthy mind which means productive work. |
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December 2024