For three years I have competed to go to WOWPS as the St. Louis Qualifier and it hasn't ever worked out till now. This year it'll be held in Dallas, TX March 15th-18th and that is where I'll be.
TRIP TIME!! This means planning out the how, what, and where. Luckily with competition you just go with somewhere near the venues... hopefully. As soon as I found out I was going I was concerned with how I will get there, what will I eat, and where would I stay. I was watching the skyscanners and kayaks like a hawk, but then like a owl swooping in the night I found southwest with their "Wanna Get Away" deal. Ummm... Yes please. With any trip in the world of a adult that works to support herself this would involve money. That I ain't got. That's where the idea came in form of community members saying. "Where can I donate?" Donations! Why didn't I think of that? So that's what I'm doing, taking donations which you can find on my website under, Donate Now. Eating smeeting. I just wanna get there. That brings in the where. Since this competition will be mainly downtown that is the ideal place to stay. I started looking at Air BnB and there were several promising listings. However, that pesky money thing again. God had my back though. I have a friend that works at a hotel! Praise em'. Shoot every little bit helps. All reserved. Just gotta swipe when I get there. I've been looking at the things to do. I know what I want to see and where I want to go. I've looked up vlogs on, list, and tips for going to Dallas because this will be a new trip for me. I've been to Houston before, but not Dallas. When prepping to travel I over exhaust myself looking at the weather, planning the clothes, getting familiar with the area online. It all pays off though because I don't HAVE to follow some plan. I choose to be spontaneous in the place. Right now though? I'm consuming all there is to know. I have a friend in the city and a friend coming with me, so the trip is looking good. Dallas, here I come. |
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December 2024