The idea of a vacation was so foreign to me before this trip. Who just spends money to go to another place for no reason other than to just relax? Who has the time? Who has the resources? Who are THOSE people? Me, I'm that person. For years I wouldn't even dream of going on a vacation let alone a beach vacation because I couldn't do it. There was no way. Well now that I'm working full time in a job that gives me PTO my excuses ran out. I did something crazy. I bought tickets 6 months in advance to a country/island I had never been to before in my life. Then I had some amazing friends aka my crazy friends buy their tickets as well. 6 months in advance! These are my forever people because literally no one on my friends list has yet proved they are THAT willing. My bro didn't even have his passport when we booked the flight. I am sooooo grateful for these friends, for that trip, and for a new perspective. I know it's a lavish first world yada, yada, yada. I didn't go on a mission trip or save a tribe. I did however get to share memories with two amazing humans. Seeing their faces in awe as we stared at water or clouds or trees will forever make it worth it. Also struggling with French, but I think we knew more than we thought. I could have went solo (boring! okay not really boring, but I love spending time with people). I am happy I didn't. Each year for my birthday I now want to share it with a friend (or two) and go somewhere, anywhere for a breather and just kick it. My birthday is my new year and filled with so much sentimental importance that I don't believe in small. At least until I turn 30 because let's get real I have bigger goals that just birthday trips. I'm still posting these videos because I do still have that full time job, but also because I really want to remember this whole vacay slowly. The last videos will be posted at the 6 month mark aka a few weeks. I hope you've enjoyed them. My regular blogs/vlogs will return sooner than later. Love you all! Yup that's right. Here is two AND three. I hope you enjoy! Part 2Our Airbnb host took us around Le Diamant to explore the bird view, the Anse Cafard Slave Memorial, and a few other treasured spots. Since we didn't have a car it was great to be able to go to these spots and see more than we would have walking. We also found a secret spot the first day. Our Airbnb: Part 3Our first time spending our entire day on the beach. We walked about 30 minutes to get to this location from our AirBnB. Stopping at the EcoMax to get libations beforehand. |
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December 2024