*Covers head in blanket of shame*
I know, I know... I haven't posted in awhile. Me sorry. Now that that's out of the way. Imposter Syndrome Recently, I've found myself feeling behind in the land of achievements. I know... We're not SUPPOSED to compare ourselves to others according to many. But have you ever found your eyes slowly peeking at peers in your field and your jaw drops. There they are with a list of accolades and progress "success" while your just finally scratching the surface. Is this the effects of being a late bloomer? I didn't even realize I was late until I started looking at other bios. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely satisfied with the work I've done this far. It did take me awhile to get my dreams together so I could point myself in the right direction. Why did it take so long for me to find and grasp my dreams? I've always had aspirations. Things that I've wanted to achieve. I guess I've always thought it was about ONE career, one job. My role models however worked in multiple fields with multiple titles so it's not completely surprising that I find myself doing just that. Experience Makes You I am no imposter. All of my experiences help me do precisely what I want to. I had to look at my own bio and realize it's nothing to gloss over. I've made strides in my writing and career that have placed me in some great places. For example, I've been traveling with my slam team. Yes, literally go places. I'm a slam poet, a spoken word artist, a Smith of words you can say. I'm a writer. An educator. Hence the title of this blog right? Teach, Travel, Theatre. Anywho, I'm dedicated to being a writer/playwright/poet so I've been looking for ways to grow. The big dream is to travel and write. To do fellowships where I can focus solely on my craft. To be a professor so I can share knowledge with young, inquisitive minds. I'm not big on the whole glamorous life, I don't aspire to simply tour places to take pictures for the gram. I want to experience the world authentically and get to hear stories of the people that live there. On my most recent trip with the slam team we went to Louisville, Kentucky for the Southern Fried Poetry Slam. People can knock domestic travel, but sometimes it's nice to pop over to a place and not be to far from home. (Me still counting down the days until I do my big trip overseas for research) So, if you ever find yourself feeling a bit like an imposter know you're not. You're probably right on track. If you're not doing what you want. What are you waiting for? Just do it already. |
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December 2024