Yep, that's right. I'ma get naked with you. You're not ready for this jelly. Anywho...
If you saw my last post I had my Peace Corps interview and I feel it went really well. I actually got to speak to a former volunteer who cleared up the whole peeing in a hole thing. She assured me it's not that complicated. She hasn't met my balance, but okay... Otherwise speaking to her was amazing. I was nervous though. Still am because I really want to go. I now, more than ever, feel that this is the right step for me. It's a dream of mine and has been since I was in middle school when I discovered the Peace Corps. Back then I was disappointed to find it was for college students or older aged people. That was back in 2004! It's been over a decade (really just 12 years for those counting) since I've had this dream. Do I know where I want to go? Africa. If you know me this may not come as a surprise. I interviewed for Ethiopia. Cool right? We shall see. Until then I'm pursuing my dreams as a writer that travels for work. One blog, article, poem, play, and story at a time. (I thought she said she was gonna get naked?) Don't worry, I'm warming up to it, just had to get you up to speed. People often see my life and think it's soo cool, but on the brink of being homeless. AGAIN. I have a hard time seeing what others do. If only I had a car to live out of, I'd feel a bit better. (Alas... As I ignore some guy looking for a lighter.) I don't have a car AND I'm at the beginning of my tour! The struggle is indeed real. Some days I wanna throw in the towel. But wanna know what sucks more? I don't even have a parent I can go home to and sulk. The only option is to keep going till I physically can't. And I won't go easy so... Here's that rock and a hard place. I don't like complaining (you just did -_-) BUT sometimes it really helps to shed it off. (Aha, like clothes! Getting naked... I get it.) Plus what this currently proves to me is that I won't give up. And I won't. So, here I go. Daring to live again when circumstances say to quit. Things could really be worse. (Knock on wood!) So I'm thankful. (Oh no she's lost it) Alright enough nudity for one post. I'll keep ya'll updated on the Peace Corps stuff, but I refuse to drive you or me cray with all the waiting. That being said my post will resume as normal and by normal I mean I figured out my direction here. Hence the new name SOLS Blog Backstage. Welcome to the backstage of my life. That's right my Peace Corps interview is tomorrow. Yikes! I'm a bundle of nerves, but I'm also really determined to go now. I can see it, helping people. Peeing in a hole. Serving a community. Peeing in a hole. Making life long memories. Which will probably include peeing in a whole. Buns and thighs baby!
How's my One Woman Show, you ask? Well I'm happy you mentioned it. It's fabulous darling, faboulous. Of course I see it bigger. And I do mean BIGGER than it is now. So be prepared for more Cookbook wonders coming your way in the near (probably next year) future. I shall be doing this of course before June 2017, just in case this interview thing goes well. So there's that. What will it all involve?? Stay tuned in for all the secret recipes! It does look like Iowa will be happening. I'll put up tour dates when I feel it's more tourish rather than two locations and the dream of more, but I want to run this show until Nov. In December take a month off and then hit the ground planning. Time frame: unknown. But ideally I'd have this bigger Cookbook thang in April or May. Right in time for me to simmer down, see the bestie get married, and pack for this big adventure! (Prayers up) Well that's all for now. I'll let y'all know how it goes tomorrow. Laters! New Destination I absolutely love my life and everything that I am doing at the moment to move forward in my career. (Wait for it) BUT (there it is) my vision for what I see for my life is drastically changing. So. What am I doing about it? I'm acting on it.
Planning a trip abroad, applying to fellowships, and... The Peace Corps. Yep, that's right the Peace Corps. Those that know me from college are probably all saying finally. Gesh. She was supposed to do that ages ago, but I got swept up in life. In completing a internship, in love, in my one woman show. But I wouldn't leave until 2017. I did get the e-mail that said I was placed in Ethiopia. BUT (there it is again). I have to do my interview to know where I'll really be placed. You know with the pretty blue invitation packet and all that. That way I know it's real. In the meantime I still have other goals like this one woman show tour which I am quickly realizing will be the last time I run this show unless hired by some outside St. Louis companies or something. It's time to move to a new destination in life. That means a whole new batch of shows to challenge myself as a writer. What about that abroad thing? Well, if you read my previous blogs you can practically smell my wander lust. I'm working out the details, but today I had an awakening that I'm probably gonna backpack it. (What!? A black girl backpacker?) I don't have the answers yet, BUT (there she goes again showing her but off) the answer always comes. What I'm hoping is that the fellowships I've been applying to will give me footing to do research that I need for these new works. Yes. I'm a nerd. I don't want to travel to "see the world" I want to have different cultures and places inspire my work to be a more accurate examination of people. Specifically how minorities look in all cultures and if they influence one another. In a less broad sense my interest is in black culture. How far did the Diaspora reach? Are they similar? What art, music, dance, theatre comes out of the worldwide Diaspora? Who were we before the Diaspora? How did other cultural traditions influence our lives today? I have many questions and my new vision is seeking answers. Until next time peeps. |
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December 2024