Hi All! So a person in my creative writing class wrote a poem about how graffiti artist are a lot like poets. Poets hide nothing and neither does graffiti artist. Wandering around the London I have found so many different tags, some with meanings and some with just a name of a person who wants to be remembered or other reasoning. The viewer can only come up with why they put it there in the first place. I know graffiti exist in the states as well, but even graffiti differs from place to place. I should know I attempted in my art class to create my own graffiti looking for what techniques graffiti artist have used. I asked an artist friend of mine what she thought of graffiti and she replied she doesn't like it because she doesn't understand it. Sometimes in life we don't understand, but it's always good to take a look anyway. Laters! Ello All!
So I haven’t posted in awhile. This time I want to discuss celebrations in London. There is of course Guy Fawkes day which is really big here, the Lord Mayor Show, and Remembrance Sunday which all happen in the month of November. A weekend ago I spent my days going to the three hour long Mayor Show and had a pretty good standing spot. The great thing about that is I got chocolate chucked at my head. The little children across from me also made it amusing. I had a London native explain some of the traditions that were displayed in the parade, but I talk about that in my YouTube video. It was a really great experience to see the differences of parades. Note I come from places where parades are life not just celebration. Thank you USA. For me the parade here in London had some great moments. Plus I got to see the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress… That might mean more to me one day. That night we got another set of great standing spots so we could see the big fireworks. We stood on a pedestal. Travel Tip: If you hate big crowds don’t go to see the fireworks because people could be all over you. The next morning we headed to the Remembrance day early. I really don’t want to mention this day because we were standing for three hours straight and I did not have a great sspot. I did meet some great people who also could not see. A father and daughter became my best friends because she was small enough to be lifted. Don’t get me wrong I was blessed to go, but I really wanted to see the Queen. I could have watched on the telly, but figured to go because it was right around the corner. I went early, but not early enough. Overall, I have enjoyed seeing how people in another country does things. Travel Tip: If it’s a big holiday in the country you are visiting go to the venue as early as possible to scout out a great viewing area. This week our group is celebrating Thanksgiving together which should be awesome. When life gives you a batch of Americans in a foreign country throw an American bash involving food. Video below! I hope you readers enjoy! Cheers! Bonjour All!
That’s my french greeting. When I first arrived in London I had a lot of pre-concieved notions because of the things you see on the media. Luckily I came here with an open mind to see the true London. I realized that it takes time for a place to expose itself to you. It is a slow process. However, within these two months I have found some great things about London as well as some annoying. *cough,cough* Cigarette smoke all the time in the street could be the annoying. In one of my classes we talked about the national identity in London and the first thing that comes to mind when I think of this is diversity. On one side there is the reserved side of London. I was riding on a train the other day on a trip outside of London and it was completely silent. No conversations, loud people on the cell, or crazy people mumbling to themselves. It was weird, but at the same time I have grown accustom to it. I settled down and read a book while listening to my music like a normal Brit. It wasn’t until the train was almost emptied that my American friend and I broke into immediate conversation. Had we grown used to this? Travel tip: Always travel with some form of entertainment, a book is the best choice so it won’t get nicked. The other side is the embrace of different cultures. You can find things from all corners of the world here and that in itself has become a part of London. I have had steam buns from China town, jammed to reggae, fallen in love with French all over, tasted true Italian Gelato, and am going out to an Indian restaurant next week. I even found a concert for a DJ dog a mix of reggae and Mexican music. Travel tip: Take risk and try things from all over the world. All in all the heart of London lies in the people. Do you know there are a lot of people here. However, I am extremely blessed to be able to meet just fragments of London’s heart. They shall forever have left their imprint on my spirit and SOLS. ;) Cheers! Hi All! So today has been an adventurous day. Walked across the bridge, got lost, and finally made it to the Park where I saw the fastest Ferris wheel ever. Then it was a firework show with music… That was new, but it made sense because a lot of people had their children out. The most surprising thing about the firework display had to be the closeness. I’m used to having water separate me from the fireworks unless I’m in a backyard somewhere, but here in London no such rule. You get the smoke, the taste, and the particles. The great thing is the music blocks the firework noise so it doesn’t matter that your right there. Travel tip: Just because they announce a show is starting doesn’t means it starts right away. Other than the fireworks that had glowing ears, food stalls, and light up (almost blinding) light up sword sticks. Then I found the direct route home after visiting Marley’s once more since we were near Brixton. This time I shared the food. Walking back with all the Londoners was a good feeling. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss the fam and friends, but I like it here :) The video is below. Laters! Ello All!
So fall break here was pretty chill… Most people went to travel around and see some pretty awesome places :) I took this opportunity to get to know London better. I did manage to make it to the poetry library. Yes a whole library dedicated to poetry. How awesome is that? Well I’m off to class at Tate Britain, but my next one should cover food here in Britain. Because that is one of the most important parts of another country, other than site seeing of course. Laters!! |
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