Apparently turning 29 marks the last of my twenties. It signifies the beginning of a new era without the perks, yet. And I apologize. Really from my birthday on I've been stumbling into the New Year. I blame the Mexican heat. Let me say this before I seem like I'm complaining. I loved my trip to Mexico. It was relaxing and peace filled. I loved the resorts, I got to ride in a boat, snorkel, kayak, swim, sleep in a cabana, eat well, see cute men, talk to great people, spend it with my bestie, saw some monkeys, and overall had a blast. Then... I got travelers uhmmm *whispers* diarrhea. So horrible! I drank the water and ate some seafood. *palms face* So I got sick, sick. It was not pretty. It was actually the worst experience ever. I was sick for the remainder of my trip AND for a week when I returned. I was pretty much team I'mnevergoingbacktoMexicoEVER. Then I was able to calm down. Two Rules of Mexico Travel: 1) Buy Nothing from the Airport or a Time share: I repeat don't buy a timeshare. 2) Don't drink the water OR eat seafood at a Mexican joint: Only do so at a resort, unless you have a stomach of steel. I thought I did, but no. I don't. |
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December 2024