I got it! My invitation. Even bigger I accepted the invitation. My life will be filling out paperwork, getting medically/legally cleared, and preparing to leave. I have to remind myself of the IF in there. There's no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. I'm preparing for it to be expensive and a lot of hardwork. It reminds me of London... That was a year of torture to prepare to leave the country and getting there wasn't apple pie either.
Funny I tell everyone how great and life changing it all was, but it was also a lot of work. It required faith that a poor girl like me deserved to take that trip. Now I want to give back as well as dive into a new culture. I've already started learning Ahmaric. I'm not sure what's going to happen. BUT I do know I'm going to put my faith in something bigger than me. I nearly cried when I saw the invitation. Let me paint the picture. I woke up sprawled out on the couch, blankets twisted over me to a dead phone. I groggily got up walked to the bedroom to put it on the charger. I decided to get some blog writing done before checking my e-mail. I stretched my toes as I wrote wiping sleep boogers from my eyes sipping on a cold glass of water from a plastic cup. I finished up the entry about my quarter life crisis, stretched, petted my brother's dog, and thought man I should really cut my phone off at night sometime because it is the first thing I reach for in the morning. I checked my e-mail and there it was. Peace Corps... Invitation. Something about Congratulations!? *click* You have been selected! *nearly cries, leaps to turn on phone, snaps important friends that won't be told in person* I got it. I actually got my invitation and I start reading EVERYTHING. My job will be a Secondary English Teacher in Ethiopia! (So much to read, but worth it) I want this, my mom wanted this for me, and I pray that it all goes well. All my focus will be getting on that plane June 24, 2017. I know there are a lot of things in the states here for me, but I'm not gonna put my life on hold for anybody anymore. I talked about the Peace Corps all the time my senior year of college. When I get my diploma... When I get my diploma... Well now I have it. I have my back-up plan though I really want this I can't just think it'll all go well. It's just that... It's rare that I know exactly what I want, but when I do I go for it fully. So, I'm going for it. I've got weight to lose (personal goal), papers to read and send, and a language to learn. This isn't some fresh out of college trip anymore for me. I'm a educator, I love my work with kids. To do that in another country... Amazing. I love travel and to visit Africa? I'm excited. That's the update. Now like I said. I won't drive you crazy with this. It's just the background to my life at the moment, that could be life changing. Once I get all of the clearances and the green light I'll let you know. But I have a life to live in the meantime. Laters! |
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