![]() Let's talk business. Now before we get into it let me be clear. This is not a "How to Start a Successful Business Guide". This is merely a reflection over my own business faux pas' and how I hope to do better in the future. Like many people during the pandemic, I started my business. There was just one issue. I didn't have a plan. I didn't even have revenue that could successfully run the business or money to really invest into it or a clue as to what I was doing. I knew enough to get started but it had no sustainability. Now that's bad business. I've wanted my own business for years. I used to surprise people with my interest in starting a non-profit that uplift artist and to hopefully open it up to others who wanted to teach or do art therapy. It would be for the community. Does this at all sound familiar? UrbArts now Urbstetiks, Inc was the non-profit that I could get behind because it was so much like my own vision. Which is why I'll probably go hard for Urbstetiks until I am old. I put the cart before the horse. I saw marginal success with my artist career, my fitness videos, and my contract work so why not just put it under the LLC. Let me just start by saying that I walked away for more than just a new career. Making money as a artist is complicated and I wanted to be legit. The more success you see the more you need to prepare for taxes. The bigger the show or venue means the more you need to pay a crew. The vision of not just paying yourself but other artist or workers means that you need to fund a payroll. One thing became clear as crystal to me. I could slack on my own dollar, but when it came to how I wanted to also see others succeed I needed to go back to the drawing board of how to truly fund what I could see. Taking my time in coming back to it all has given me clarity. I could easily write a grant or fellowship application now knowing what I know to go where I need to. It just took time. I had to do my research. I'm still learning a lot but I know that when I go full force I'll be prepared. I'm developing the plan because I started a business and "failed". The truth is I was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by how fast it all can happen. It's weird to think that in just 3 years I've learned so much. It doesn't make me want to do it all over, but it does make me want to use more wisdom in the present and in the future. I look forward to sharing my business endeavors as they flesh themselves out and become fully formed. I have more of a business mind than I ever thought I would. The best thing about the world today is you can learn almost anything at any age. Laters! I got it! My invitation. Even bigger I accepted the invitation. My life will be filling out paperwork, getting medically/legally cleared, and preparing to leave. I have to remind myself of the IF in there. There's no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. I'm preparing for it to be expensive and a lot of hardwork. It reminds me of London... That was a year of torture to prepare to leave the country and getting there wasn't apple pie either.
Funny I tell everyone how great and life changing it all was, but it was also a lot of work. It required faith that a poor girl like me deserved to take that trip. Now I want to give back as well as dive into a new culture. I've already started learning Ahmaric. I'm not sure what's going to happen. BUT I do know I'm going to put my faith in something bigger than me. I nearly cried when I saw the invitation. Let me paint the picture. I woke up sprawled out on the couch, blankets twisted over me to a dead phone. I groggily got up walked to the bedroom to put it on the charger. I decided to get some blog writing done before checking my e-mail. I stretched my toes as I wrote wiping sleep boogers from my eyes sipping on a cold glass of water from a plastic cup. I finished up the entry about my quarter life crisis, stretched, petted my brother's dog, and thought man I should really cut my phone off at night sometime because it is the first thing I reach for in the morning. I checked my e-mail and there it was. Peace Corps... Invitation. Something about Congratulations!? *click* You have been selected! *nearly cries, leaps to turn on phone, snaps important friends that won't be told in person* I got it. I actually got my invitation and I start reading EVERYTHING. My job will be a Secondary English Teacher in Ethiopia! (So much to read, but worth it) I want this, my mom wanted this for me, and I pray that it all goes well. All my focus will be getting on that plane June 24, 2017. I know there are a lot of things in the states here for me, but I'm not gonna put my life on hold for anybody anymore. I talked about the Peace Corps all the time my senior year of college. When I get my diploma... When I get my diploma... Well now I have it. I have my back-up plan though I really want this I can't just think it'll all go well. It's just that... It's rare that I know exactly what I want, but when I do I go for it fully. So, I'm going for it. I've got weight to lose (personal goal), papers to read and send, and a language to learn. This isn't some fresh out of college trip anymore for me. I'm a educator, I love my work with kids. To do that in another country... Amazing. I love travel and to visit Africa? I'm excited. That's the update. Now like I said. I won't drive you crazy with this. It's just the background to my life at the moment, that could be life changing. Once I get all of the clearances and the green light I'll let you know. But I have a life to live in the meantime. Laters! |
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December 2024