![]() I'm in New York!! Like actual New York. Truth be told I WAS in NY, but then I had to go home soooo here's a review of that trip. NY is my third home. My first is with God (a place isn't my home, it's the people awww), the second is London (one day boo), and the third is New York. Picture a cute New York picture... Bada bing, bada boom. We spent our time in Brooklyn at the NY Moore Hostel booked through www.hostelworld.com/ It was a fantastic place to stayed filled with art by local artist or visiting artist. They even let us know that you could get a deal (if you're good) if you do some artwork for them which I think is pretty genius. I will be doing a vlog of the hostel at some point. (Give me a moment, that requires way more time then a simple type up.) While there, my bro and I realized that New York wasn't going to change us. It did however compliment our lifestyles. We could take our much needed nap and then wake up at midnight on a Sunday night and still be able to go out and get things done. It was beautiful.
![]() Originally this blog was to record all of my amazing travels around the world, but to be perfectly honest I haven't set foot out of country since it started. (sobs uncontrollably) HOWEVER, I have gone to quite a few places. Places I've been since 2012 Louisville, KY Greensboro, North Carolina Decatur, GA Berkley, CA Oakland, CA Kansas City, KS Indianapolis, IN Little Rock, AR Dallas, TX San Antonio, TX Detroit, MI Denver, CO Madison, WI Chicago, IL Omaha, NE Lincoln, NE Sioux City, IA New York, NY I'm sure I'm forgetting some places, but you get it. This year I'm committing to stepping out of my comfort zone. So even if it's just a few hours away I'll find my way there. Seeing the world means even visiting places I can drive to. I go with a budget and the most affordable way to get around as much as possible. It's been fun. (local travel) But I'm renewing my passport. (Seriously) I'm blessed to have made it this far. (like fooooooreal and I'm not gonna cry, nope). If you've been reading me since the beginning or just tuning in now welcome. *Update on slam: We lost. I took it harder than normal. (Maybe because it's my last year) I feel like God was like... Take the whole slam away. This was the last Nationals for AWHILE. (Not just for me, but for everyone) Yea, my God be petty like that. (I love you JC!) So yea, only regional slams for me. Laters! ![]() The excitement puffs like breath from glossed lips on a winter morning, warm and full of anticipation. It's the holiday season and tomorrow I'm headed home. Let's talk about home. No one wants to be that failure going home with their tail in between their legs, staying in the place they grew up in. For me, it's a little more complicated than just that. I've been away from the places. I call home so long that I sometimes forget I'm from there. "I put on for my city" is lost to me because which city is that? I can CHOOSE whichever I like, but if you're like me and you have more addresses than you could ever possibly remember then it's hard. I'm super proud of the travels I've accomplished, but lately I've been yearning to go home. See what's changed and what is the same with adult eyes. To visit the streets, the schools of my youth. I want to smell the familiar that I long for sometimes in the pit of my belly when things get hard. Not to stay, but to visit. I want to be around people who've known me long before I could talk or began finding myself. Home. That's a word that can mean a multitude of things, but for me its definition has definitely transformed over the years. The places I spent my childhood in have become important to me because each place has memories and people I love in them. Each city I've been in more than 6 month to a year is officially apart of my "home". Four and counting. Is it weird that I want a solid base, family, and all that but still desire to live in other places for a big chunk of time? Just me? My wandering heart isn't quenched, yet my soul thirst and gulps from home (wherever that may be). It's funny that people are getting into travel. I feel like traveling has been my whole life. Not to glamorous countries, but in the states I've been to a remarkable amount of places at a young age. I am so grateful for that (Note to self: Do post on this). Some of us black kids grow on the same block and never leave. My hood has been in different states. They all look the same though they speak with different accents. This go round I'm headed to Knoxville, TN. Home of the Volunteers. Solo Road trip! (To me this is the quickest drive, but hey it's the open road and I'm making a couple stops on the way. Merry Christmas to me.) I'm renting a car for the first time and they're already called to remind me and give me instructions on what to bring. Travel tips: If renting a car prepare to put down a deposit when using a debit card. In bustling holiday seasons prepare for long waits. I'll update ya'll on my trip next time. Happy Holidays! May you find yourself with the ones you love this season. Downtown Knoxville, TN
![]() Thanks for clicking! One thing I love to do is travel and see new things. Even in a city that I live in. I’ve only been in St. Louis for about 5 years, but not consistently. So my knowledge of all things St. Louis is limited, but I’m learning. In this blog I’m going to share places and events as it pertains to the arts and food. There is a art culture here in St. Louis that is unique with so many artist thriving and working here or at least starting here. So each week I’ll cover a new aspect of the artistic scene in St. Louis. As for food… Well a girl has to eat so why not share the reviews of these nice eateries here in this wonderful city before or after enjoying some great events. Take this journey with me. I’ll give you an honest insight for those who travel or simply for current residents who want to know some different places to try. For those budget conscientious this is for you, if the skies the limit for your expenses this is for you as well. No discrimination here, but cheap and free things need a platform as well so that’s mostly what I will cover. Pictures will probably feature actual visitations and I’ll include videos at times as well. I hope you enjoy. Laters! My last video for my scholarship for my study abroad program. Ello There!
These last days are going fast. I will miss the church family we have made here for sure. There was a Christmas service last night that was amazing. We had virgin mulled wine which smells better than the real stuff and homemade mince pies which are traditional Christmas treats here in Britain. Though I have loved it here I do miss my COTR (home church) :) After service we made our way to the hostel for the night. It is interesting meeting all sorts of travelers. We had a room of about 12 people. Travel tip: Always remember a towel and padlock for hostels. The great thing about our hostel is that it allows you to leave your bags so you can travel the city. So city here we go for one last hurrah! Travel tip: hostelworld.com is your friend. Our hostel has many of the same things our program offered. However, light sleepers beware. Roommates will come in and out of the room and everyone has different sleep habits. Laters! ![]() Ello All! My time in London is almost up, but before I go. I want to talk about how I have been spending my last few weeks in London. First, I have been finishing up classes with papers and finals. It wasn’t too painful. Not nearly as painful as next semesters load back in the states. Classes aside I have been having a blast revisiting some of my favorite places here in London and traveling to parts I haven’t seen. I made it to a comedy night in Camden town, went dancing twice at some K-pop events in London clubs, went to see some more of the countryside with our group. It has definitely been eventful. Travel Tip: Always keep abreast of what is happening in the place you are visiting. I’ve been blessed to find a group that I love here called Heartz which is a creative arts group that does poetry, art, music, and dance for God. It has been nice getting to know that group of people and I will miss them dearly. I even started presenting my poetry at their church it has been a enlightening experience for sure. This has revealed things more to me spiritually than I anticipated. It has been sad to see people leave, but I am glad to have met them. This group of Vandoners (place where we lived) were a lively bunch. We have some good family dinners and smaller bonding moments. It always nice to have people going through a similar experience as you are. Travel Tip: Whether with strangers or friends when traveling abroad attempt to befriend new people. They just might surprise you. If you have been following my short blog here then I thank you dearly. I will probably be doing some more post before I leave. So stay tuned in! Laters! Ello All! So before I leave there is one fundamental thing you have to talk about especially as a college student… Food! Yes, the four letter word that consumes the mind of a typical college student. Here in London for our group it is one of our favorite things to groan about, enjoy, and share all together. This might be a bit, but I’ll attempt to make it painless. If your hungry read this later. How is food here in London? Well… It’s very diverse and I’ll tell you why, some British meals can be a bit on the bland side. I have had the typical fish and chips which is pretty good when you know where to go for an affordable price. If your in Central London near Buckingham Palace go to the Laughing Halibut right off of Victoria street. They have a market on the street during the week days. They also have great sandwich places and tasty pastries. Your typical English breakfast can be pretty good as well. Pastys are delicious they are bread with meat or veggies or both. Travel tip: Don’t always go for what your used to try something new. The best food here is ethnic food and there is a lot to choose from. They have amazing selections in China town, the East End, and other places. Some of the greatest finds are those little places that have great food, great prices, and good service. Many people in my group suggest Slug and Lettuce half of Mondays. Some of the great places I have eaten at have actually been out of London and into the smaller towns. Kent has some pretty friendly cafe type of shops. Now I don’t always eat out most of the time we stay in and cook. The great thing about London is no preservatives and fresh produce. That could also mean quick expiration dates and a lot of pasta. Markets are a great place to get bargained prices as well as out of the Central London grocery stores like Iceland. The best thing here is sweets. Especially chocolate. It’s just better here and you will hear British say that all the time. I suggest Swiss and French chocolate as well, German too. And because your closer the prices are better. I have a fond memory of getting chocolate chucked at my head in a parade. Alright that’s my summary of food here in Britain. I do miss good old American food with all it’s seasoned, slightly greasy glory. Also the portions in America do us justice. Ahhh… But for now I’ll enjoy all my options here. It’s not bad and great for the figure. Cheers! Hi All! So a person in my creative writing class wrote a poem about how graffiti artist are a lot like poets. Poets hide nothing and neither does graffiti artist. Wandering around the London I have found so many different tags, some with meanings and some with just a name of a person who wants to be remembered or other reasoning. The viewer can only come up with why they put it there in the first place. I know graffiti exist in the states as well, but even graffiti differs from place to place. I should know I attempted in my art class to create my own graffiti looking for what techniques graffiti artist have used. I asked an artist friend of mine what she thought of graffiti and she replied she doesn't like it because she doesn't understand it. Sometimes in life we don't understand, but it's always good to take a look anyway. Laters! Ello All!
So I haven’t posted in awhile. This time I want to discuss celebrations in London. There is of course Guy Fawkes day which is really big here, the Lord Mayor Show, and Remembrance Sunday which all happen in the month of November. A weekend ago I spent my days going to the three hour long Mayor Show and had a pretty good standing spot. The great thing about that is I got chocolate chucked at my head. The little children across from me also made it amusing. I had a London native explain some of the traditions that were displayed in the parade, but I talk about that in my YouTube video. It was a really great experience to see the differences of parades. Note I come from places where parades are life not just celebration. Thank you USA. For me the parade here in London had some great moments. Plus I got to see the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress… That might mean more to me one day. That night we got another set of great standing spots so we could see the big fireworks. We stood on a pedestal. Travel Tip: If you hate big crowds don’t go to see the fireworks because people could be all over you. The next morning we headed to the Remembrance day early. I really don’t want to mention this day because we were standing for three hours straight and I did not have a great sspot. I did meet some great people who also could not see. A father and daughter became my best friends because she was small enough to be lifted. Don’t get me wrong I was blessed to go, but I really wanted to see the Queen. I could have watched on the telly, but figured to go because it was right around the corner. I went early, but not early enough. Overall, I have enjoyed seeing how people in another country does things. Travel Tip: If it’s a big holiday in the country you are visiting go to the venue as early as possible to scout out a great viewing area. This week our group is celebrating Thanksgiving together which should be awesome. When life gives you a batch of Americans in a foreign country throw an American bash involving food. Video below! I hope you readers enjoy! Cheers! |
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