Well I just had a test of gratitude. I finished typing this whole post and then it deletes! Nooooo... Story of a blogger. Short and sweet it tis.
Today I awoke to temptations tugging at me from something beyond this time and this place, I stretched my discipline because the day awaited. Typically I lay in bed on holidays and wallow. I let the sorrow envelope me until I am completely consumed by tears, but not this year. This year I sent my holiday greetings and then did some holiday cleaning. I danced and slept. Now we're pouring the wine. So.... I'm #Grateful for God, my family, friends, and this day of just being in the moment. Borrowed from a friend who borrowed from a friend who thought that there should be more energy of gratitude instead of hate. That's it, go be in the moment! Mucho love loves. Laters!! |
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December 2024