Ello All! So one of my favorite things about walking in London is when I walk around and then I look up and realize I see something that I thought was really far, but it is right there. I have abandoned taking the tube unless I have to grudgingly go somewhere far. What have I been up to? Classes, exploring, and meeting British people. Meeting British people is a lot harder than you think, but I just have taken chances by going to random events. This one event that I went to was an international cafe where I met people from all over the world because apparently that’s what happens at the events, but I just saw a poster that said all welcome and free so I went. I also got to have scones and crumpets with my tea which are pretty tasty. It’s so posh of me I know, but when in Rome… Wait I’m in London :) My travel tip for this entry will have to be take chances when traveling and put yourself out there. Actually you should do that everywhere. Even if you are shy. Many British won’t just walk up to you because of their reserved nature. At least I haven’t experienced it. Usually you can just be approachable and open yourself up to conversation. I have had some interesting ones. How’s class? Ummmm well… Just kidding I love them. They are extremely different from my American classes and apparently the classes we are taking with our program are different from British classes that most people who go to undergrad take. My creative class is amazing just because I get to do the thing I love. It is filled with older adults who work daily, but keep there minds going by taking this class. They range from late 20’s to late 50’s. They are a fun bunch of people. The video below is of me discussing classes, very serious. Laters! |
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