The Power of Self-TalkNot everyday is easy. In fact most days are a battle of the mental. My mind becomes the place I battle most. With chants and positive talk. "I can" "I love you" "You're awesome" "You're beautiful" "I am strong" "I am smart"
In a world where words fly everywhere and often carelessly, we forget that what they are matter. I don't even like jokes at times that seem too reckless. Those words stick even in a joking manner. But they can also be a trigger for those that are listening. Things like: "Stupid" "Idiot" "I hate you" "You're clumsy!" I had someone who constantly called me stupid in a relationship. It didn't appear to affect me except I stopped giving my opinion in social settings, I second guessed myself constantly unable to fully express a idea, and I appeared unsure of my own intelligence. It took reprogramming of my own words to find confidence in my own power of thought. People always called me clumsy. Being half blind I was insecure of my sight so I tended to bump into things and knock things over. But if someone always calls you clumsy you'll start thinking more and more. "I'm clumsy" Then it manifest and you'll start saying it, "Oh, I'm so clumsy." I was one! I'd knock everything over, break s***, and brush it off to my clumsy nature. And then one day I got tired of breaking stuff. I was living alone. There wasn't money to replace broken things or energy to clean up after myself for EVERY little spill. And there wasn't anyone in the apt to call me clumsy anymore except for me. And I was tired of my clumsiness. So I decided I was going to stop being clumsy. I paid more attention to my surroundings and was careful. And guess what? It worked, not overnight. And sometimes I did forget, but eventually I got it. Around others that called me clumsy I'd proclaim, "I'm not clumsy anymore!" Joke if then I dropped something, but remind myself, "I'm not clumsy though." That was just a clumsy moment. From then on I realized we create our own reality. We have the power to change it too. This was confirmed by my Pastor who preached, "What you think, you act on." Then Maya Angelou who spoke of how words stick on walls. We often become our negative thoughts. They become a part of us and then we act on that negativity. What ever you say about yourself is true. But you can change your truth. It's not absolute. I was clumsy, I'm not now. I do have clumsy tendencies. I was acting stupid, I'm not stupid. I do have times I could think more. I battle my mind daily with healthy and positive self talk. Especially because the things I hear are not always healthy or positive. Be careful of your words. They could hurt you or others around you. |
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