Hi All!! Today is the day I leave for London. At this very moment I have made my way to Chicago and will be flying out this evening. I am excited for this opportunity! It has been an extremely emotional journey and leaving home was that really bittersweet feeling. Best moments of the summer were buying my plane ticket (weird cause I spent money, but was official), working with 6 amazing ladies in the registrars office (now I can spell registrar), hanging in Storm Lake (I mean BBQ), and being in STL for the past month (I love my fam and friends). At this point I have packed and am ready to go. The light is shining on my path and leading me towards new and mysterious things lol. Walking around Chicago with two bags and one hand bag has made me realize that I don’t pack light As promised here is the link to my packing video is below. Oh yea before I forget my intro this time. Hi, my name is Sahara I enjoy long walks by Storm Lake and am a Theatre Major, Art & Psych Minor at BVU. I love traveling. I am going abroad in Central Abroad’s London Program. Yea… That was pretty much it in a small nutshell. Cheers! |
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December 2024