One thing people don't see is the woman behind the art when I'm at my worst or just regular. The days where I'm Sahara. Where I'm relying on faith in something bigger than me, but working hard still to meet that faith. My Last Words... Not Really is a collection of plays & poetry created when I was thinking this is it, all I have left to say. My mother was also a big inspiration for this book because we made sure to make our last words count with each other to save us from any regret. Imagine your last words being, "I hate you!" We've all been there, we've all had those moments of wanting a redo for our final words. But sometimes you just get what you give. You just never know when you'll see that person you truly care for again. The plays well... they are just the start, Next will be full length plays. I hope that people use them in auditions or classrooms. Maybe even in theaters. Quick poem: At least I said I love If we had nothing else we had love Knew that a lasting impression is made with kindness Not with malice At least I said I love you Rather than filling that space with mucky misunderstandings That glue us to regret It's almost like the window opened We aired out our goodbyes See you later I love you At least I said I love you This book does contain my popular works, but also included is poetry hidden away and not frequently shared. my uplifting, shorter works, and a few of my "love" poems. There is also a faith play with a strong male lead and my ever growing one woman show. Head to my store and buy the book. Share it with those you love and those that need it. Use the monologues for auditions. Most importantly enjoy. |
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December 2024