Yep, that's right. I'ma get naked with you. You're not ready for this jelly. Anywho...
If you saw my last post I had my Peace Corps interview and I feel it went really well. I actually got to speak to a former volunteer who cleared up the whole peeing in a hole thing. She assured me it's not that complicated. She hasn't met my balance, but okay... Otherwise speaking to her was amazing. I was nervous though. Still am because I really want to go. I now, more than ever, feel that this is the right step for me. It's a dream of mine and has been since I was in middle school when I discovered the Peace Corps. Back then I was disappointed to find it was for college students or older aged people. That was back in 2004! It's been over a decade (really just 12 years for those counting) since I've had this dream. Do I know where I want to go? Africa. If you know me this may not come as a surprise. I interviewed for Ethiopia. Cool right? We shall see. Until then I'm pursuing my dreams as a writer that travels for work. One blog, article, poem, play, and story at a time. (I thought she said she was gonna get naked?) Don't worry, I'm warming up to it, just had to get you up to speed. People often see my life and think it's soo cool, but on the brink of being homeless. AGAIN. I have a hard time seeing what others do. If only I had a car to live out of, I'd feel a bit better. (Alas... As I ignore some guy looking for a lighter.) I don't have a car AND I'm at the beginning of my tour! The struggle is indeed real. Some days I wanna throw in the towel. But wanna know what sucks more? I don't even have a parent I can go home to and sulk. The only option is to keep going till I physically can't. And I won't go easy so... Here's that rock and a hard place. I don't like complaining (you just did -_-) BUT sometimes it really helps to shed it off. (Aha, like clothes! Getting naked... I get it.) Plus what this currently proves to me is that I won't give up. And I won't. So, here I go. Daring to live again when circumstances say to quit. Things could really be worse. (Knock on wood!) So I'm thankful. (Oh no she's lost it) Alright enough nudity for one post. I'll keep ya'll updated on the Peace Corps stuff, but I refuse to drive you or me cray with all the waiting. That being said my post will resume as normal and by normal I mean I figured out my direction here. Hence the new name SOLS Blog Backstage. Welcome to the backstage of my life. |
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December 2024