New Destination I absolutely love my life and everything that I am doing at the moment to move forward in my career. (Wait for it) BUT (there it is) my vision for what I see for my life is drastically changing. So. What am I doing about it? I'm acting on it.
Planning a trip abroad, applying to fellowships, and... The Peace Corps. Yep, that's right the Peace Corps. Those that know me from college are probably all saying finally. Gesh. She was supposed to do that ages ago, but I got swept up in life. In completing a internship, in love, in my one woman show. But I wouldn't leave until 2017. I did get the e-mail that said I was placed in Ethiopia. BUT (there it is again). I have to do my interview to know where I'll really be placed. You know with the pretty blue invitation packet and all that. That way I know it's real. In the meantime I still have other goals like this one woman show tour which I am quickly realizing will be the last time I run this show unless hired by some outside St. Louis companies or something. It's time to move to a new destination in life. That means a whole new batch of shows to challenge myself as a writer. What about that abroad thing? Well, if you read my previous blogs you can practically smell my wander lust. I'm working out the details, but today I had an awakening that I'm probably gonna backpack it. (What!? A black girl backpacker?) I don't have the answers yet, BUT (there she goes again showing her but off) the answer always comes. What I'm hoping is that the fellowships I've been applying to will give me footing to do research that I need for these new works. Yes. I'm a nerd. I don't want to travel to "see the world" I want to have different cultures and places inspire my work to be a more accurate examination of people. Specifically how minorities look in all cultures and if they influence one another. In a less broad sense my interest is in black culture. How far did the Diaspora reach? Are they similar? What art, music, dance, theatre comes out of the worldwide Diaspora? Who were we before the Diaspora? How did other cultural traditions influence our lives today? I have many questions and my new vision is seeking answers. Until next time peeps. |
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December 2024