Ello! So I’ve been in London for two weeks and some days. I love the sights and traveling around. For those who think that everything cost in London they are wrong. Technically, there are plenty of things to do for free. But like anything that is free you have to search for it and turn over every stone. I have found a festival for tomorrow over the African Dispora. Then next month there will be a celebration for national poetry month. These events should be fun. A musician I have found that is from London is having a concert next month and tickets are at a great price. I really hope funds will allow me to go. Currently, I am planning my trip for fall break. With all the visa drama I'ma stay within the UK just to be on the safe side. I was jobsmacked to find that there is a Megabus here! Which means the price for going to Scotland or Wales is really inexpensive. Hey I am all about budgeting people. On another note. Our programs group is a great bunch of people. I love having so many different conversations all of the time. Plus this means diversity in the things we all do together. My video of the Market/Museum is below. Cheers!! |
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December 2024