Hi All! Today I received my roommate info as well as my calendar for the semester. Very exciting. I’ll be rooming with two ladies. One I know from my home university and the other not so much. However, I am open to the experience. I cannot believe in a few, mhmmm, two weeks and like three days I’ll be in London. But who’s counting? Smh ME! Actually receiving this info just made it all the more real for me. I am one doctors appointment away with some official papers to receive before I can enter London. I have been through ups and downs for this trip and my faith has definitely pulled me through with my head held high. So now it’s the countdown. Financially I’m biting tables because biting nails is just… not me. Yes I have a video for you all of some tips about the whole study abroad process. This is informative. Next video will be my fun version of packing… Laters! |
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December 2024