We all need a little direction in our lives and this blog does as well. So... I'm baaaack! And better than ever. Welcome to T^3 (T Cubed) which stands for Teach, Theatre, and Travel. Yep, *southern accent* that's the direction of this here blog.
*Normal voice* In this blog I'll be talking about my life and how it relates to the three T's. Teaching, theatre, and travel. That's it. Wherever I am and whatever I'm doing I'll always be involving one of these three T's if not all of them. So buckle up! You buckled? This is a re-vamp! An overhaul. Currently I have started a Fellowship at COCA which is a center of creative arts and I realized this blog needs passion and direction. I want to take ya'll somewhere. So this crazy artistic journey of mine is what I'm gonna include ya'll in on. Cool? Cooool... Until next time beautiful people. Laters! |
Sista SOLSFitness. Life. Art. Travel. Categories
December 2024