I went to Vegas ya'll and it was... amazing! Not because of Vegas, but because the St. Louis Youth Slam team won Brave New Voices!!!! What's Brave New Voices? So glad you asked... I didn't. Well here's the answer anyway. Brave New Voices is a International (yes, international) slam competition where youth poets compete for the title. They also make lasting connections, network, have fun with other writers, etc. Now the reason this is so amazing is because they are the first team in STL to win a competition. (We been fighting ya'll). I discovered Brave New Voices right before I went to college and was so distraught that I couldn't go. I found CUPSI (the collegiate slam) too late in the game to find two other people to join our group of three. And adult slam has been a challenge all of it's own making. The babies (teenagers) had a blast and worked hard for their win. I am honestly proud to have been their co-coach. Below is a video about the trip and me packing for it. If you've seen my insta you've seen the outfits they were serving. It was a blessing to travel with them and to co-coach with the phenomenal Paula. Paula is a amazing writer and poet in their own right, but also just a humble fierce kind human. My favorite moments were the prayer circles where we all held hands and prayed in different languages, to different Gods, and were of different faiths. It was a holy experience that is truly what love is all about. PS; I have a shadow beard this video. Come through off lighting. |
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December 2024