Finding answers in a trail![]() Don't we all have questions? What should we believe in? Where should we go? Should I date him/her? How should I live? Our day can be filled with questions and we spend most of the day answering them. What should I eat? What should I wear? If you're lucky you save time by answering these questions early on so you can save some time. But what about the deeper questions about faith, spirituality, and morals? How do you answer those? Recently, I've found myself trail walking usually alone or with a dog recently and I've found it peaceful. I spent most of that time asking questions to God and to the universe. And I didn't find answers. They weren't hidden in the moss on the trees, in the yellow falling leaves, or on the slightly rock terrain. There were just more questions and I'm just now realizing those questions aren't hard. I was just looking for answers IN something that would provide none. Most people think that it's about where you are and what you're doing, that next adventure. The truth is answers aren't in that. They're inside you, right now, as you are. And that's sometimes hard to swallow. We think things will be better if we were doing something else, living somewhere else, getting something else. That's where the happiness is, that's where answers are, and that's what I want... But it's not true. Those questions will still be there until you face them. I changed what I was listening to (which were the questions resonating in my head) and allowed some belief to make it's way in. Then something strange happened. I was getting answers not the one I was looking for at all (Thanks God and universe), but the answers I needed. I've been lost for a long time now... Strange that a Christ follower can get lost, but I did. Physically I was following this trail, but spiritually I had no clue what I was doing. I stopped trusting in the path and was just aimlessly wandering until I had no clue where I was or how I got here. I had been following my own poorly designed map that had no destination. If you travel, you know how catastrophic that can be. Though sometimes getting lost you can find beautiful things that you might not have ever seen before, spiritually getting lost can leave you damaged until you get back on course. That's what I'm doing now. Walking the path and walking the path. I'm listening now. |
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December 2024