Me: Periodically I ghost. I ghost people, social media, and my craft at times. This time is a tad different. I ghosted for my craft. Sometimes we just need to refresh our ideas, thoughts, and goals without the prying eyes or pressure (granted the pressure is self-made). Though from the intro you can tell I spend entirely too much time on Twitter. *cough, cough* @sistasols on Twitter Change is in the air. If you are new, welcome. If you are back, what's up! As you know the end of the year (AKA my birthday in December) is when I celebrate the New Year. It'll come with a new word for the year and also usher in a bunch of new content. This space will go through yet another revamp. Mini Announcement My new book is coming, my new book is coming. So keep your eyes peeled. |
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December 2024