![]() Romanticizing your life during this season is such a vibe especially in the South. So join me on this glorious fall day. Most mornings I wake to silence but today the birds were chirping in the tree next to my window as I hit my worship playlist and begin my morning routine. I saunter down the stairs to my car barefoot, letting my feet hit the chilled ground and inhaling the crisp mountain fresh air and make the quiet meditative drive to the gym on campus. After I park, I slip on my gym shoes and gather my day bag listening to the rhythmic beat of military shoes on pavement to finally start my morning with a workout. Being consistent again feels oh so good. I truly love it here. It surprises me constantly at how much but the south and I seem to just fit together. I am definitely a southeast girlie and it shows. That said the inspiration has been plentiful. Being in nature, walking barefoot in the grass, and taking in the scenic views just brings an abundance of ideas. I love being so close to nature and having options of places to explore right in the "backyard". My novel writing has been flowing out of me and it feels phenomenal. To get lost in the story I want to tell and have it fill my thoughts throughout the day. National Novel Writing Month is coming and I plan on fully participating this year with the goal of having the first draft of my novel completed just a smidge ahead of schedule on the 27th with my "Write a Novel in a Year" Series with Mid-Continent Public Library. www.mymcpl.org/events/90270/write-novel-year-part-four-zoom This might be your sign to write that novel you've been meaning to write. Honestly, I've been writing stories since I was a wee little tike but I never sat down to put them completely on the page. There are some strewn here and there on bits of paper, napkins long ago discarded, and scribbled in random notebooks. To see my story develop into a full project has been delightful. It has me falling in love with writing all over again. Speaking of love, this year I've been able to open myself up to letting love in. The romantic kind, even though romance nowadays isn't romance and is really just, "Can I talk to you for a minute." To me love is like going onstage with memorized lines and staging. Once the lights go up you hope that your mind doesn't go blank and even if you miss a cue, improvise a line, or have to adjust for feedback you couldn't anticipate you are leaning into the moment, into the energy, riding the adrenaline. And when the curtains close on that scene. You catch your breath, reflect on the entire thing, and know more for the next act. It's the best feeling. I finally understand why falling in love is so great. That said it also falls away. I appreciate it just the same. While all of it is great, it's also challenging. Some weeks I just haven't written anything and my word count is alarmingly low for where I need to be to complete my first draft. In that same vein, falling in love is beautiful. Navigating how people receive me has been a doozie. I can't control how people perceive or receive. It's frustrating because I feel myself repeating, "Let me love you!" and whispering, "love me too." I know how I want and need to be loved. For me, falling short in both of these areas puts me in a funk that's hard to get out of. However, this week is a great week. I've had some excellent conversations that have left me on a high and hopeful for what's next. I've made great writing progress and while romance is off the table I have some solid male friends in my life that have reminded me that there's something greater waiting for me. I love the men in my life. Ultimately, whether it is my craft or a love. It's a great journey. Now maybe next time we'll have to chat about some of the nitty gritty of love in a city. That was just witty. Ending would be a pity. But alas.... Laters! |
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